Month: April 2013

  • Patching RichFaces 3.3.3 AJAX.js for IE9

    There are always some problems when working with 3rd party frameworks when the world moves forward but the framework you’re using doesn’t. After JSF 2 was released the RichFaces development moved to 4.x version and they dropped support for the older versions although many users are still using the older versions as it’s not trivial…

  • Using the WebLogic Maven Plug-In for Deployment

    Using the WebLogic Maven plug-In for deployment is much easier and quicker than going through the WebLogic Server’s AdminServer and Oracle Documentation provides good examples how to do it. In short, generating WebLogic Maven Plug-In contains following steps: 1. Build the plug-in JAR file using the WebLogic JarBuilder Tool (wljarbuilder) under MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/ with the following…