Highkara news reader is an unofficial High.fi news portal reader and provides functionality for reading news from several news medias and regions, you can select different news categories, open news in web view and switching news region. High.fi is a news portal which aggregates news topics from different news sites from i.a. Finland, United States, Germany, Sweden and Netherlands. The app is similar to Ampparit and Uutisvahti.
Current features include:
- Getting news from high.fi.
- Opening news links in Web view.
- Selecting different news categories.
- Switch the region for news categories.
- Using dark theme with news summaries and pictures.
- Pagination to get more news.
- Opening news in Chrome if installed.
- Settings for showing descriptions and using mobile URLs.
Bug reports and suggestions: GitHub issues.
The application can be downloaded from App Store.
Source code
Source code is available on GitHub.
- 0.13.0 (2019-09-09):
Updated Alamofire dependencies. Add missing new icons. - 0.12.0 (2018-03-31):
Add option to show paid-for / paywalled news sites which are omitted by default. Migrate to Swift 4. Fix minor UI layout issues in settings. Remove exception domains as High.fi provides now https. - 0.11.3 (2017-12-23):
Add support for iPhone X full screen mode by adding correct launch image. Fix problem in High.fi API when articleID is String and not Int (at least in media, tiede, netflix-uudet ja viranomaiset) by parsing articleID from Any to Int. Remove GoogleToolboxForMac from Pods. Use case success and failure for Alamofire json. - 0.11.2 (2017-11-02):
Guard againts decoding values from Swift 2 and Swift 3. Use GoogleAnalytics as Google/Analytics is deprated. - 0.11.1 (2017-11-01):
Add support for AMP URLs. Add support for extended Today Widget. Fix some layout issues with Today Widget. Update Alamofire libraries. - 0.11.0 (2017-06-04):
Add WatchOS extension app. Show category menu on iPad with swipe. - 0.10.1 (2017-04-29):
Remove old version checks for <iOS 9. Increase category indentation for clarity. - 0.10.0 (2017-04-20):
Add new user specific category (ICYMI, In case you missed). Update API calls to match new requirements. Add accessibility. Fix bugs: no news picture, search paging - 0.9.14 (2016-11-11):
Add Search functionality. Fix layout issues with iPad in Settings view. - 0.9.13 (2016-11-03):
Fix layout issues in Settings view. Move browser related settings to own section. Add option to open links in new tab if Chrome used. - 0.9.12 (2016-10-02):
Refactor texts to use system text size. Add option to use Chrome for opening news. Add option to select used text size. - 0.9.11 (2016-09-26):
Fix Today widget color in iOS 10. Remove news title hilighting for now. Update libraries and project to Swift 2.3 and Xcode 8. - 0.9.10 (2016-09-14):
Added option to show news picture with news. Added hilighting the news title. Fixed news pagination. Added Google Analytics for helping to develop the app. Updated to Alamorefire 3 and AlamofireImage 2. - 0.9.9 (2016-08-26):
Added support of Today Widget also in iOS 8. Refactored About screen to use tableview. Fix theme refreshed event in Settings. - 0.9.8 (2016-08-22):
Added Today widget for easier following of news, possibility to change its category from Settings screen. Reworked Settings screen to use tableview. Added Netherlands and Denmark to exception domains. - 0.9.6-1 (2016-06-15): New category for showing combined favorites in one list, publishedtime to news entry, minor UX improvements.
- 0.9.5-1 (2016-02-16): Search for filtering news sources, 3D Touch to peek in category view and news view, new actions for news item: filter, open in external browser.
- 0.9.3-1 (2016-01-16): Darker dark theme, improved user interface, fixed issue with landscape mode.
- 0.9.2-1 (2015-12-09): Fix sharing news and UI issues with settings table views.
- 0.9.1 (2015-12-07): Possibility to hide categories from news back to settings. Improvements to theme, swipe and default settings.
- 0.9.0 (2015-11-30): Dark theme, list news sources, filter shown news, add
swipe from edge gestures. - 0.8.1-1 (2015-11-14): First public release.