Haikala is an application for Sailfish OS for following news from High.fi news portal with simple and easy-to-use UI. It provides basic functionality like selecting different feeds and opening news items in web view. Haikala is open source software and licensed under the terms of the MIT license. High.fi is a Finnish news portal which aggregates news topics from different Finnish news sites.
Current features include:
- Getting feeds from high.fi.
- Opening feed links in Web view.
- Adding news item to favorites.
- Selecting different news categories.
- Switch the region for news categories.
- Search for headlines.
- Pagination to get more news.
- Settings for showing descriptions and using mobile URLs.
- Copying links to clipboard
Bug reports and suggestions: GitHub issues.
The application can be downloaded from Jolla Store or from OpenRepos.
Source code
Source code is available on GitHub.
- 0.8.0-1 (2015-10-10):Adjust UI for tablet. Use new API variables.
- 0.7.0-1 (2015-04-04): Main functions moved to toolbar.
- 0.6.0-1 (2014-10-12): Filter shown news categories. Added sub categories to category selection.
- 0.5.0-1 (2014-10-05): Add news item to favorites from item’s context menu. Option to reset application settings and favorited items.
- 0.4.0-1 (2014-08-17): Search functionality. Switch the region for news categories. Settings are saved automatically when changed.
- 0.3.1-1 (2014-08-11): Fixed paging with fixed API. Minor UI fixes.
- 0.3.0-1 (2014-08-09): Cover page shows latest headlines. Updated functionality to match new API for better usage possibilities. Show descriptions and use mobile optimized URLs. Settings for showing description and mobile URLs. Copy original URL or mobile URL to clipboard. Pagination for getting more headlines.
- 0.2.0-1 (2014-05-16): Marking read links, copy link to clipboard from Web view, update time since refreshed
- 0.1 (2014-05-11): Initial working version.

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