Month: June 2007
Quick Howto: Setting up SNMP and MRTG
This article might be a bit outdated on some parts but just Google if problems arise. SNMP and MRTG graphs Statistics and graphs are nice way to follow what the machine is doing. Just a little bit of configuration and scripts you can use f. ex. servers’, routers’ and firewalls’ operational statistical data from their…
Tuning Apache, PHP and MySQL
Normally putting up a web server with PHP and database is easy and the default settings are enough but sometimes there is need for tuning the performance. The server might be low on memory and the CPU and has (too) many things to handle. Also it is good to know how things work.… Jatka lukemista…
Syslog-ng and connections exceeded error
Couple of days ago I updated my home Gentoo box and after that syslog-ng was too full of connections. As always the remedy was near. If you have app-admin/syslog-ng-2.0.4 and get errors like syslog-ng[8827]: Number of allowed concurrent connections exceeded; num=’10’, max=’10’ to the syslog then read this helpfull topic from Gentoo forums.… Jatka lukemista…