Tag: apache
Using Apache for proxying connections to Crucible
Atlassian’s web applications are great tools for software development and they are relatively easy to setup because they come with Jetty servlet container and HQSQL database. You only have to install Java. Some of the applications can be also run like any normal deployable WAR-packaged web application for example with Apache Tomcat which gives you…
Using PHP-FPM with Apache 2 on CentOS
Running Apache 2 and PHP is simple with mod_php but there are more efficient alternatives like using PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) which is an alternative PHP FastCGI implementation. With it the PHP process runs standalone without the need for a web server and listens for incoming requests on either a TCP or a Unix socket.……
WordPress mod_rewrite rules taking over mod_status and mod_info
After moving Rule of Tech to a new server and setting up monitoring I noticed that server-status and server-info Apache modules weren’t working as expected. As usual a little bit of Googling solved this problem. The problem was that the .htaccess rules in WordPress were taking over non-existing server-info and server-status urls given in Apache’s…