Tag: end-to-end tests

  • Notes of Best Practices for writing Playwright tests

    Notes of Best Practices for writing Playwright tests

    Playwright “enables reliable end-to-end testing for modern web apps” and it has good documentation also for Best Practices which helps you to make sure you are writing tests that are more resilient. If you’ve done automated end-to-end tests with Cypress or other tool you probably already know the basics of how to construct robust tests…

  • Running Detox end-to-end tests on CI

    Running Detox end-to-end tests on CI

    Now that you’ve added end-to-end tests with Detox to your React Native application from my previous blog post it’s time to automate running the tests and add them to continuous integration (CI) pipeline. Detox has documentation for running it on some Continuous Integration services but it’s somewhat lacking and outdated. This post will show how…