Tag: maven
Keep Maven dependencies up to date
Software development projects come usually with lots of dependencies and keeping them up to date can be burdensome if done manually. Fortunately there are tools to help you. For Node.js projects there are e.g. npm-check and npm-check-updates and for Maven projects there are OWASP/Dependency-Check and Versions Maven plugins. Here’s a short introduction how to setup…
Automate validating code changes with Git hooks
What could be more annoying than committing code changes to repository and noticing afterwards that formatting isn’t right or tests are failing? Your automated tests on Continuous Integration shows rain clouds and you need to get back to the code and fix minor issues with extra commits polluting the git history?… Jatka lukemista →
Distribute project’s artifacts in Maven Central with OSSRH
You have developed some crafty Java library or Maven plugin and now you want to distribute it to other users through Maven Central repository? Using Sonatype Open Source Software Repository Hosting Service is a nice way for open source projects to achieve that and there’s two options to get your artifacts in it: 1.… Jatka…
Using the WebLogic 12c Maven Plug-In for Deployment
Using the WebLogic 12c 12.1.2 Maven plug-In for deployment is much easier and quicker than going through the WebLogic Server’s AdminServer and Oracle Documentation provides good examples how to do it. The weblogic-maven-plugin provides enhanced functionality to install, start and stop servers, create domains, execute WLST scripts, and compile and deploy applications.… Jatka lukemista →
Maven plugin to generate HTML from Markdown now in Maven Central
Generating documents is always not the most pleasant job but it can be made easier by using easier markup language like Markdown. For that purpose I made last year a simple Markdown to HTML Page Generator Maven Plugin and now it’s also available in Maven Central. “Markdown to HTML Page Generator” is a simple Maven…
Maven plugin to generate HTML from Markdown
Writing documentation or user guide isn’t the most interesting part of the software project but it’s still needed to be done and important for the end users. There are many ways to achieve documentation but using Markdown is good way to make it easier. After that you just need to convert it to HTML and…
Using the WebLogic Maven Plug-In for Deployment
Using the WebLogic Maven plug-In for deployment is much easier and quicker than going through the WebLogic Server’s AdminServer and Oracle Documentation provides good examples how to do it. In short, generating WebLogic Maven Plug-In contains following steps: 1. Build the plug-in JAR file using the WebLogic JarBuilder Tool (wljarbuilder) under MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/ with the following…
Eclipse and Maven Console
Eclipse 3.7 Indigo has integrated Maven m2e plugin but is missing some expected functionality which was previously present in Sonatype releases by default. If you want your Maven Console to show something you must also install the optional “m2e – slf4j over logback logging” plugin. When installing the m2e plugin there is an optional feature…