Running FishEye & Crucible as a service in Linux

Atlassian’s tools for supporting software development are great but they aren’t really admin friendly to start with. For example FishEye & Crucible doesn’t ship with scripts to start it at system boot time but with the help of Atlassian’s Wiki, sysadmin tasks and scripts you can run it as a normal service. First we create a dedicated user for crucible and second we add a new service for it. I have done this on CentOS 5.7 x86_64.

Setting up the service account

As the root user, create a separate “FishEye & Crucible” service account at root shell:

# useradd -c "FishEye & Crucible service account" -d /home/crucible -m crucible

To make it easier for this to work also after FishEye & Crucible upgrades we create a symbolic link to the latest version (modify “/opt/fecru” to match your deployment).

# ln -s /opt/fecru/fecru-2.7.15 /opt/fecru/latest

Then, ensure that this user is the filesystem owner of the FishEye & Crucible instance (modify “/opt/fecru” to match your deployment).

# chown -R crucible:crucible /opt/fecru

Running Crucible as a crucible user

Save the following script to /etc/init.d/crucible. Be sure to edit the FISHEYE_HOME value to the location where your FishEye/Crucible instance resides:

# RUN_AS: The user to run fisheye & crucible as. Its recommended that you create a separate user account for security reasons
# FISHEYE_HOME: The path to the FishEye & Crucible installation. Its recommended to create a symbolic link to the latest version so the process will still work after upgrades.
# FISHEYE_INST: The path where the data itself will be stored.
export FISHEYE_INST="/opt/fecru/fecru-data"

fisheyectl() {
        if [ "x$USER" != "x$RUN_AS" ]; then
                # If running without FISHEYE_INST
                # su - "$RUN_AS" -c "$FISHEYE_HOME/bin/ $1"
                su - "$RUN_AS" -c "FISHEYE_INST=$FISHEYE_INST $FISHEYE_HOME/bin/ $1"
                "$FISHEYE_HOME/bin/ $1"

case "$1" in
                fisheyectl start
                fisheyectl stop
                fisheyectl stop
                sleep 10
                fisheyectl start
                echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 0

After saving the script, modify it’s permissions so that it can be executed:

# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/crucible

Running Crucible as a service

Now that we have an init script we can add it as a service and be able to configure the system to run the script on startup (more precisely, ensure that Crucible runs in runlevels 3, 4 and 5):

chkconfig --add crucible
chkconfig crucible on

Verify that the script has been installed correctly:

# chkconfig --list crucible

After this has been done you can manually start or stop the service by using these commands:

service crucible stop
service crucible start

And you’re done.



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