Weekly notes 6

This year has started slowly and weekly notes has frozen to monthly notes. This time they tell us i.a. how to put Spring Boot in Docker, useful features of Java EE 7, ponder what all there’s to do to launch your mobile app, read tips how to get better with Node.js and how smaller is better. And finally we have Yoga routine to keep our body in shape.

Issue 6, 2016-01-27

Java is strong with this one

Java EE 7 At A Glance and Top 10 Java EE 7 Backend Features
A rundown of some of the most useful Java EE features – most of which look quite handy.

New year’s Spring Boot tricks in a container
Read how you can combine Spring Boot’s hot restarting and running application in a Docker container. Of course you could just run Spring Boot from the IDE and expose the MongoDB container port for the application.

Nashorn: Run JavaScript on the JVM
Nashorn is a high-performance JavaScript runtime written in Java for the JVM. It allows developers to embed JavaScript code inside their Java applications and even use Java classes and methods from their JavaScript code. But why would you want to do that?

Mobile app development is fun?

Everything you need to launch your app
Good checklist to go through during app development and when you’re going to launch your app. Launching an app isn’t as straightforward as you would think. (from Indie iOS Focus Weekly 48)

Everything you need to know about app screenshots
And with everything it really means that. Making screenshots of your app isn’t as easy as you would think. (from Indie iOS Focus Weekly 46)

Creating perfect App Store Screenshots of your iOS App
More about app screenshots. This time doing it “the right way” for all device types and languages. Isn’t easy this time either but it’s automated. You just need to use snapshot, frameit and to use UI Tests.

Why you shouldn’t bother creating a mobile app
Post-mortem of Birdly, a receipt management app in the business to business market. Gives insight and lessons to learn about the App Store. Even though the app had good use case the users didn’t really need it. (from Indie iOS Focus Weekly 48)


Find & fix known vulnerabilities in Node.js dependencies
Snyk looks to be quite crafty tool to find & fix known vulnerabilities in Node.js dependencies. Integrate Snyk into your CI and monitoring your applications for newly disclosed vulnerabilities.

TL;DR; Simplified man pages
Simplified man pages for when you just need to get shit done. Finally! You can use different clients for it and install if from e.g. npm install -g tldr.

pre-commit hooks
Some out-of-the-box hooks for pre-commit. See also: pre-commit.

Getting better is good?

Reduce Your bundle.js File Size By Doing This One Thing
Simple! Use relative file paths. The article looks at two examples to show the difference.

The Website Obesity Crisis
Keynote from Web Directions 2015: The Website Obesity Crisis. Beautiful websites come in all sizes and page weights but mostly-text sites are growing bigger with every passing year when there’s no reason for that. There’s also video.

How to Become a Better Node.js Developer in 2016
Tips and best practices not just for development but how to operate Node.js infrastructures, how you should do your day-to-day development and other useful pieces of advice. (from Twitter)
TL;DR; Use ES2015, follow callback conventions and async patterns, take care with error handling, use JavaScript standard style, follow the Twelve-Factor application rules, monitor your applications, use build system, update dependencies weekly and keep up.

Something different

15-minute yoga routine to enhance balance and agility
See how yoga can help you to enhance your balance and agility, including a 15-minute video that demonstrates these principles. This is targeted more for mountainbike riders than developers but better agility and balance doesn’t hurt anyone :)

The 100 best photographs ever taken without photoshop
Nature and humankind are both great artists, and when they join forces, amazing masterpieces can be produced.






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