Monthly Notes 41

Issue 41, 31.5.2019

Software development

If not considering the issue on Bamboo with this (thread), Using Emojis in Git commit messages is a nice idea. There’s even cool emoji guide for your commit messages. Going to take this into use 😊 (from walokra)

Happy Friday, Don’t push to production?
Good thread of how you should treat your deploys to production. You should deploy often and have good CI/CD practices but the overall question isn’t black or white. “Nothing goes wrong until it does, and then you’d want your people available.”  “If you’re scared of pushing to production on Fridays, I recommend reassigning all your developer cycles off of feature development and onto your CI/CD process and observability tooling for as long as it takes to ✨fix that✨.” (from walokra)

Sleep quality and stress level matter and after 24 hours awake
“Your sleep quality and stress level matter far, far more than the languages you use or the practices you follow. Nothing else comes close”. Good notes of why sleeping and rest matters (thread) 😴 There’s always more work to do, take care of yourself first! (from walokra)

Software architecture

Why software architects fail – and what to do about it
Looks at some of the most common pitfalls that ensure you’ll come up with a disaster, and discusses how they can be avoided.


High” levels of ☁️ spending at Lyft
Continuation on the Internet-discussion whether Lyft’s spending on AWS is too high and they could do better on-premises.


TSLint in 2019
“Once we consider ESLint feature-complete w.r.t. TSLint, we will deprecate TSLint and help users migrate to ESLint”

User Experience

Printable A3 posters for Laws of UX
(from JonYablonski)

Something different

“Work starts from problems and learning starts from questions. Work is creating value and learning is creating knowledge. Both work and learning require the same things: interaction and engagement.” (from EskoKilpi)





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