Short notes on tech 50/2020

Week 50, 2020


Wait, Docker is deprecated in Kubernetes now? What do I do?
tl;dr; Use CRI runtimes instead: containerd or CRI-O.

Google Cloud: default container runtime to change to Containerd with GKE node version 1.19 and higher.
“As the Docker container runtime will be removed from the Kubernetes project in the future, GKE is beginning a migration to the Containerd runtime. Support for the Containerd image variants became Generally Available in GKE in September 2019.” See: Using containerd images

A better Kubernetes, from the ground up
“What we would do differently if we built something new, from the ground up, with no regard for compatibility with Kubernetes?” (from Cloud Security Reading List)


Travis CI is no longer providing CI minutes for open source projects
The move from Travis CI to other (more OSS friendly) Continues Integration services has been seen for some time and this will accelerate it. The popular choices are: GitHub Actions, Circle CI, Google Cloud Build, Drone CI.

AWS Lambda now supports container images as a packaging format
You can now package your functions as container images and use familiar container development tools to build Lambda applications. (from Cloud Security Reading List)

Monitor and secure your containers with new Container Threat Detection
Google announced the general availability of Container Threat Detection (a built-in service in Security Command Center Premium tier) to help monitor and secure container deployments in GCP. (from Cloud Security Reading List)


Advent of Code
Reminder that the Advent of Code is again here with programming puzzles.

“PostgREST serves a fully RESTful API from any existing PostgreSQL database. It provides a cleaner, more standards-compliant, faster API than you are likely to write from scratch.” (from hackernewsletter)

A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development. (from Weekend Reading)


The UI & UX Tips Collection: Volume One
“Collection of my popular UI & UX tips from the past 12 months that can, with little effort, help improve both your designs, and the overall user experience.” (from Weekend Reading)

Something different

Chess tactics explained
If you watched the The Queen’s Gambit miniseries and got interested of playing it, the Chess tactics explained gets you started with more than just basic rules. (from hackernewsletter)

NoCode tools
“Discover the best tools to build software, no code required”






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