Short notes on tech 37/2021

Week 37 of 2021

Software development

Give me /events, not webhooks
“This post clearly explains the benefits of using an /events endpoint + long polling. Simpler and more reliable than webhooks. On the web we don’t have much of a choice, most platforms support webhooks and few support event streams. For internal applications don’t go with webhooks as the first choice just because they’re prevalent on the web.” (from Weekend reading)

Writing JavaScript, but with types!
“I’ve often run into a situtation in which I’ve wished my JavaScript code would have types and they would be enforced. This would save me from a lot of runtime headache that can happen.” But you can’t use TypeScript to enforce it. The article explain one option to help your development.


A Security Review of Docker Official Images: Which Do You Trust?
This research demonstrates the importance of keeping track of the images that you use, and not assuming that even official images from Docker Hub will be maintained in perpetuity. (from Cloud Security Reading List)

Docker is Updating and Extending Product Subscriptions
“Docker Subscription Service Agreement includes a change to the terms for Docker Desktop: Docker Desktop remains free for small businesses (fewer than 250 employees AND less than $10 million in annual revenue), personal use, education, and non-commercial open source projects. It requires a paid subscription (Pro, Team or Business), starting at $5 per user per month, for professional use in larger businesses.”


So You Inherited an AWS Account
“Many engineers have found themselves in the unenviable position of being handed the keys to an AWS environment with absolutely no explanation of its contents, documentation, or training.” (from Cloud Security Reading List)

Top things to do when setting up a new Org
“What you should do when setting up a new AWS Organization from scratch.” (from Cloud Security Reading List)

Web development

How I Experience Web Today

Level up your CSS linting using Stylelint
“Lint all the things” (from CSS Weekly)


Automating App Store Screenshots
“Whenever I mention using fastlane’s snapshot tool for App Store screenshots, I justify it by saying it’ll save you time if you have “ten screenshots for every device type in different localisations”. In reality, even if you have just two screenshots in one language for your app, you’ll still save so much time by doing this. Let Daisy Ramos show you how to make the best of this fantastic tool.” (from iOS Dev Weekly)

Something different

Branded in Memory
Iconic brands drawn from memory






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