Short notes on tech 5/2021

Week 5/2021


Why Working from Home Will Stick
Or will it? Hacker News comments provide a good pointers why it won’t stick for the broader society.

Software development

Maximizing Developer Effectiveness
“It’s all about tight feedback loops.” (from Weekend Reading)

Google Engineering Practices Documentation
“Google has many generalized engineering practices that cover all languages and all projects. These documents represent our collective experience of various best practices that we have developed over time.” Unfortunately it currently contains only “Google’s Code Review Guidelines”.

Awesome Software and Architectural Design Patterns
“A curated list of software and architecture related design patterns.”

Tools of the trade

“Library that handles all the email validation strategies: regex, common typos, disposable email blacklists, MX record lookup, and SMTP to check the inbox exists.” (from Weekend Reading)

Mock Service Worker
Seamless API mocking library for browser and Node. (from Weekend Reading)






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