Short notes on tech 9/2021

Week 9/2021

Tools of the trade

“The design tool for everybody. Scan a paper scribble and you get a wireframe. Upload images and it will extract color and style to generate a matching theme.” (from Weekend Reading)

Camo makes you look great on Zoom by using your iPhone as a webcam. You can control lighting, cropping, focus, Bokeh effect, stream 1080p with no stutter (needs cable), use front-facing, telephoto or wide lens. (from Weekend Reading)

Free for developers
List of free and free tier resources.


Kubernetes README
“A collection of useful resources to read to learn more about Kubernetes.” (from Cloud Security List)


Unpacking Interview Questions
“Series sharing some of the questions the writer uses when he interviews for technical roles. He’ll unpack the question, when to ask it, and how to evaluate answers.”

Something different

Scientists break through the wall of sleep to the untapped world of dreams
“Researchers at Paller’s lab at Northwestern University in Illinois, along with researchers in France, Germany and the Netherlands, have independently demonstrated two-way communication with people as they are lucidly dreaming during REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.” (from Weekend Reading)






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