Tag: continuous integration

  • Running Detox end-to-end tests on CI

    Running Detox end-to-end tests on CI

    Now that you’ve added end-to-end tests with Detox to your React Native application from my previous blog post it’s time to automate running the tests and add them to continuous integration (CI) pipeline. Detox has documentation for running it on some Continuous Integration services but it’s somewhat lacking and outdated. This post will show how…

  • Automate your dependency management using update tool

    Automate your dependency management using update tool

    Software often consists of not just your own code but also is dependent of third party libraries and other software which has their own update cycle and new versions are released now and then with fixes to vulnerabilities and with new features. Now the question is what is your dependency management strategy and how do…

  • Automate versioning and changelog with release-it on GitLab CI/CD

    Automate versioning and changelog with release-it on GitLab CI/CD

    It’s said that you should automate all the things and one of the things could be versioning your software. Incrementing the version number in your e.g. package.json is easy but it’s easier when you bundle it to your continuous integration and continuous deployment process. There are different tools you can use to achieve your needs…