Weekly notes 9

Summer is here and mountain biking trails are calling but keeping up with what happens in the field never stops. This week Apple had their worldwide developers conference which filled up social media although didn’t present anything remarkable. In the other news there was good collection of slides for Java developers, ebook for DevOps and HyperDev looks interesting for quickly bang out JavaScript.

Weekly notes, issue 9, 17.6.2016

Java: stay updated, reactive and in the cloud

13 Decks Java developers must see to stay updated
Selection of nice slideshows for Java developers. Best practices, microservices, debugging, Elasticsearch, SQL.

Java SE 8 best practices
Java 8 best practices by Stephen Colebourne’s is good read. The slides cover all the basic uses, such as lambdas, exceptions, streams and interfaces. (from the “13 Decks Java developers” post)

Microservices + Oracle: A Bright Future
Good slides of what are microservices. Considerations, prerequisites, patterns, technologies and Oracle’s plans. (from the “13 Decks Java developers” post)

Notes on Reactive Programming, Part I: The Reactive Landscape and Part II: Writing Some Code
A solid intro to the reactive programming. And no, it’s no coincidence that this is first. A reactive system is an entirely different beast, and such a good fit for a small set of scenarios. (from Java Web Weekly, Issue 128)

Netflix OSS, Spring Cloud, or Kubernetes? How About All of Them!
The Netflix ecosystem of tools is based on practical usage at scale, so it’s always super useful to go deep into understanding their tools. (from Java Web Weekly, Issue 128)

Takeouts from WWDC 2016

Digging into the dev documentation for APFS, Apple’s new file system

Interesting low level stuff in Mac OS Sierra. APFS takes over HFS+, has native encryption, snapshots (Time Machine done right) and is case-sensitive. Hacker News comments are worth reading.

The 13 biggest announcements from Apple WWDC 2016
WWDC 2016 was about software and incremental changes. Siri is opening up to app developers, iOS is growing up, iOS gets Apple TV remote app and Apple introduces single sign-on system.

Continuous learning

DevOpsSec: Securing Software through Continuous Delivery
DevOpsSec free ebook is worth reading if you’re interested securing software through continuous delivery. Uses case studies from Etsy, Netflix, and the London Multi-Asset Exchange to illustrate the steps leading organizations have taken to secure their DevOps processes.

Microservice Pitfalls & AntiPatterns, Part 1
An anti-pattern is just like a pattern, except that instead of a solution it gives something that looks superficially like a solution but isn’t one. A pitfall is something that was never a good idea, even from the start. (from The Microservice Weekly #31)

Tools of the trade

Introducing HyperDev
HyperDev looks to be an interesting new product at Fog Creek Software (known from e.g. Trello). It’s developer playground for building full-stack web-apps fast. “The fastest way to bang out JavaScript code on Node.js and get it running on the internet.” as Joel Spolsky describes it.

V8, modern JavaScript, and beyond – Google I/O 2016
Debugging Node.js apps with Chrome Developer Tools is soon enabled by coming v8_inspector support.

Something different

Why do we have allergies?
Allergies such as peanut allergy and hay fever make millions of us miserable, but scientists aren’t even sure why they exist.






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