Category: Software

  • Transferring Linux install media to USB thumb drive

    Optical drives are nowadays less common on laptops which makes making bootable install medias a little easier. Yes, easier by requiring you to use USB thumb drives. There are different ways to achieve what you want and here is couple of examples how to transfer Linux install media to USB thumb drive on Windows and…

  • Do a clean install of Windows 8 with an upgrade key

    There are times when you have to do a clean install of your Windows 8 but if you have just an upgrade key you need to make couple of extra hoops before you can activate the new install. The upgrade key doesn’t prevent you installing to a clean disk but when you try to activate,…

  • Monitoring Java EE application with JavaMelody

    Monitoring Java EE application with JavaMelody

    Software development is much more than just coding application by requirements and deploying it to production as the real work really starts after it has been shipped: maintenance, improvements and problem solving. And for that it’s good to have some data. It’s said “if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it” and in ideal…

  • Eclipse and Maven Console

    Eclipse 3.7 Indigo has integrated Maven m2e plugin but is missing some expected functionality which was previously present in Sonatype releases by default. If you want your Maven Console to show something you must also install the optional “m2e – slf4j over logback logging” plugin. When installing the m2e plugin there is an optional feature…