Monthly notes 13

Looks like it’s again the end of another month and it’s time for weekly notes, now with the title of “Monthly notes” as it suits better for my writing activity :) This time it’s about resources of JavaOne 2016, stories from the field of outsourcing and SSL gone wrong, Type Systems for JavaScript, pushing React.js app to production, learning Docker antipatterns and how to track your time.

Monthly notes, issue 13, 28.11.2016


JavaOne 2016 Observations by Proxy
Good collection of resources if you didn’t attend to JavaOne 2016 but like to stay on top what’s happening in the world of Java.

Securing JAX-RS Endpoints with JWT
JWT is becoming the de facto standard in web security yesterday. And JJWT is certainly a good way to go for an implementation as Baeldung shows. (from
from Java Web Weekly, Issue 146)


Flow vs TypeScript: Type Systems for JavaScript
“Flowtype vs. TypeScript Type Systems for JavaScript – from the perspective of a practitioner” is good overview to what and why.

CSS classes don’t work the way you think they work
CSS classes apply in the order in which they are defined, not the order in which they are invoked. This is not intuitive. It hits you when common components have default styling, and you want to override it in a specific instance.

Generating Documentation for TypeScript Projects
“Documentation for JavaScript projects has traditionally been generated via annotations inserted as code comments. While this gets the job done, it seems far from ideal. The post explores how to use TypeScript to generate documentation from source code alone.”

How to push a ReactJS application in production and sleep better – React.js Day 2016
“‘Everything fails all the time’. In this session we are gonna explore testing and monitoring techniques to deliver and maintain a ReactJS + Redux application, and at the same time being able to go back to sleep without the fear that everything is gonna explode during the night.”

Stories from the field

Offshoring roulette
Troy Hunt tells lessons of outsourcing to India, China and the Philippines. “If you’re looking at hourly rate as metric for outsourcing success, you’re doing it very, very wrong!” The essence of software development.

Docker Container Anti Patterns
After reading about Docker in production being a failure, it’s good to revise how it should be used.

Be Afraid Of HTTP Public Key Pinning (HPKP) and
How To Issue A New SSL Certificate With An Old SSL Key
Good lessons learned of Smashing Magazine’s renewing of an expiring SSL certificate and problems with HTTP Public Key Pinning. (from WDRL 156)

Tools of the trade

Netfox exposes details of all network requests so you can investigate problems without additional configuration. Somewhat similar but simpler than Charles for debugging network requests (from iOS Dev Weekly Issue 226)

Tracking your time with Toggl
I finally started using Toggl, to track my time at work. Best decision ever. If I just remember to track and switch tasks :)

Git: diffing binary files
Git ProTip: Adjust your .gitattributes to make `git diff` more useful for images and other binary formats! (from @DasSurma)


Google Interview University
A complete daily plan for studying to become a Google software engineer. (from @Autiomaa)

Something different

My strategy for increased privacy
You pay for many services with your data and although you would pay with money instead, you can’t. Honkonen wants to introduce a third option. To keep privacy, but to use the awesome services available, so he’s devised a strategy for increased privacy. Something to think about.

The Unsatisfying Challenge
“Everyday life can be annoying, but now you can share your pain in this challenge”





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