Monthly notes 14

Before opening the Christmas presents it’s time to check what’s in the monthly notes in December. This year there’s not much extra holidays so use them wisely :) Merry Christmas!

Issue 14, 23.12.2016


Angular 2 is terrible
I haven’t used Angular 2 enough to have strong opinions about it but looks like the Internet has. “Shaky Foundation, Not Invented Here, Premature Abstraction, HTML Minus, Unnecessary Verbosity, Poor Performance and Bloat, Putting the Java back in JavaScript, Terrible Documentation.” “Please for goodness sake don’t use Angular. For less than one-tenth of its size, Vue.js delivers a much better development experience.” (from Reddit)

TypeScript: the missing introduction
Introduction to how we can think about TypeScript, and its role in “supercharging” our JavaScript development. (from Hacking UI #155)

Getting Started with Webpack 2 and Migrating to Webpack 2
Keeping your tools up to date is part of development. (from JavaScript Weekly Issue 315)

5 Tips To Improve Your JS with ES6 – Crater Conf Talk
Virtual conference about ES6 features such as Arrow Functions, Object Literal Shorthand, Spread, Destructuring Assignment and Modules which helps you improve your JavaScript and browser code. You’ll see what it takes to run ES6 code today, and the tools you need to support the features you want in browsers that aren’t yet up to date. Slides


Feeding Spring Boot metrics to Elasticsearch
“After low level system data, the next family of metrics you want to start tracking and monitoring are JVM level metrics. Here’s a good way to go it with the ELK stack.” (from Java Web Weekly, Issue 154)

Making Spring Boot application run serverless with AWS
“Very interesting writeup showing how to transition a Boot application to run servlerless on AWS. I definitely need to give that a try to get a better understanding of what it can do.” (from Java Web Weekly, Issue 154)

Building Microservices application on AWS
Good article summarizing the common characteristics of Microservices, the main challenges of building Microservices, and how to leverage AWS to overcome those challenges.

Infrastructure as code: running microservices on AWS using Docker, Terraform, and ECS
Slides of a talk about managing your software and infrastructure-as-code that walks through a real-world example of deploying microservices on AWS using Docker, Terraform, and ECS. (from Microservices Weekly #61)


SQL Injection Cheat Sheet
A detailed resource to find technical information about the many different variants of SQL injection vulnerabilities. A good reference for both seasoned penetration testers and those just getting started in web app security. (from DB Weekly 135)

Tools of the trade

Fabulous macOS Tips & Tricks
Some useful productivity tricks with macOS. Like move a file by pressing Cmd+C and then Cmd+Option+V in the destination directory. (from Weekend Reading)

Something different

99 good news stories that we probably didn’t hear about in 2016
“Don’t let you be fooled by the all negative news and instead embrace the good things that happened as well. Despite some bad news, 2016 was quite a good year. Enjoy its last days.” (from WDRL)

Low-background steel
Did you know that after the first atomic bombs in the 1940s and 1950s the background radiation levels increased across the world and thus modern steel is contaminated with radionuclides because its production used atmospheric air. Low background steel is so called because it does not suffer from such nuclear contamination. This steel is used in devices that require the highest sensitivity for detecting radionuclides.






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