This time in monthly notes we cover design trends for interfaces, Apple steps up to iOS user interface templates game, learn Flexbox and Redux, something about microservices with Docker and see what GitHub has learned about CSP.
Issue 15, 28.1.2017
User Interfaces
Review of Popular Design Trends for Interfaces in 2016
What should apps look like in 2017? Let’s start with looking at what happened in 2016 with Marina Yalanska. (from iOS Dev Weekly Issue 284)
Apple iOS UI templates
Apple joined the party of iOS UI templates with their own comprehensive set. Would be nice if they would expand this to tvOS, watchOS and macOS. (from iOS Dev Weekly Issue 284)
Crash Course: UI Design
A pretty epic article by Jeff Wang that revisits the design process he took on a recent project from the UI angle. (from Web Design Weekly)
Containers and microservices and Node.js! Oh, my!
Learn microservices, Node.js, and containers by example using the provided application. This post walks through an example application that is split out into Node.js microservices running in Docker containers. (from Microservice Weekly 64)
Building Efficient Dockerfiles – Node.js
Old but good to know. Many Dockerfiles are written inefficiently, especially if you’re using npm. You should use caching to improve the performance of your Docker container. tl;dr; add package.json to tmp before running npm install in there. (from WDRL 166)
Making microservices more resilient with circuit breaking
‘Circuit breaking’ is the idea of shutting off traffic to an instance if requests to it fail too frequently. Good article of how linkerd can help you with it. (from Web Operations Weekly 99)
On the front end
Understanding Flexbox: Everything you need to know
A very thorough attempt to cover all the fundamental concepts you need to get comfortable with the CSS Flexbox model. (from Front-end focus 273)
React or Vue: Which Javascript UI Library Should You Be Using?
If you’re not sure which to pick, start here. (from Weekend Reading)
Thinking in Redux (when all you’ve known is MVC)
Good explanation of Redux with React although the article uses it with React Native. Redux is quite simple in concept but you’ve to think differently how things work. Another option to Redux would be to use Mobx.
Accessibility testing with Intern
Covering unit tests and functional tests, The Intern is a nice testing tool for JavaScript. But you can also use it for accessibility testing. (from WDRL 163)
GitHub’s post-CSP journey
Previously Github shared their learnings from using the Content Security Policy at Now they share more learnings in and the focus lies on i.a. img-src, form nonces, same-site cookies. (from WDRL 166)
Something different
Finnish mountain biking expertise was awarded a couple of Design and Innovation Awards this year: Pole Evolink 140 and Huck Norris. The super long and slack Pole Evolink 140 bike throws up questions about geometry standards. And although not a new innovation with protecting your rims and tyres, the Huck Norris anti-pinch-flat insert is a plastic foam ring effectively protects your rims from dents and reduces the risk of burping. You can ride tubeless with an even lower tire pressure or even a lighter carcass, plus glean more grip.
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