Monthly notes 21

Holiday season is soon over here in Finland and it’s good to be back at work. Summer has been quite busy and sadly I skipped June’s monthly notes. So, time to move forward and keep on track what has happened in software development. This time it’s about monitoring Docker, using webpack, writing functional apps with Spring and Kotlin and comparing Spring app written in Java, Kotlin and Scala.

Issue 21, 2.8.2017


Docker Monitoring: 5 Methods for Monitoring Java Applications in Docker
What are some of the most useful methods to monitor Java applications in Docker containers? Making Logs Useful, Performance Monitoring, Error Tracking, Container Metrics, Orchestration.

Moving from a Java Monolith to Microservices at Squarespace (video)
Julian Applebaum describes the challenges of moving to a service-oriented architecture, drawing boundaries between different layers of business logic and discovering fundamental tensions in restructuring application logic. Squarespace’s journey to a series of RESTful API endpoints was a matter of building services and integrating them slowly as they became reliable.


webpack: The Core Concepts
Start with nothing. Leave with boilerplate independence.

Unambiguous Webpack config with Typescript
You can write your Webpack config in Typescript, and it’ll save you a huge amount of pain. (from JavaScript Weekly 340)

A Set of Best Practices for JavaScript Projects
British design studio Hive has collected guidelines for working on JavaScript projects. Although it says for JavaScript projects the practices are applicable to other projects as well as it covers things like Git workflow, documentation and API. (from JavaScript weekly 342)

Static AST checker for a11y rules on JSX elements
Pairing this plugin with an editor lint plugin, you can bake accessibility standards into your application in real-time.

Java and Kotlin

Functional web applications with Spring and Kotlin
How to build reactive and functional web applications with Spring Framework 5, WebFlux and Kotlin. Video available. Sources of the reference project are available at GitHub and there’s also related blog post.

Basic Spring web application in Java, Kotlin and Scala – comparison
If you’ve been wondering how hard would it be to implement a basic Spring Boot app in alternative JVM languages, such as Scala and Kotlin, read this post. (from Java Weekly 185)

Project package organization
Package structure in Java projects is often neglected or applied mindlessly – here we can see a comparison of the two most popular approaches: package-by-layer vs. package-by-feature.
(from Java Weekly 185)

Simple Spring Boot Admin Setup
Spring Boot Admin dashboard setup can be slightly unintuitive – here’s a short overview of how to set it up. The post could use a picture.

Implementing a custom Spring Boot starter for CXF and Swagger
(from Java Weekly, Issue 184)

Something different





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