January finally brought snow also to Southern Finland and darkness is retreating slowly when the day becomes longer. This time monthly notes tells you about different JavaScript frameworks, making webpack perform better and looks into bootstrapping microservices and running docker securely. On programming side there are articles for best practices with Kotlin and about Kotlin stdlib. If you haven’t stumbled upon Kotlin, it’s good to check it out as it’s a nice language for building services targeting the Java Virtual Machine.
Issue 26: 23.1.2018
Web development
An Extensive Guide to JS Frameworks
The world is full of JavaScript frameworks and this roundup post goest through 52 of them and touches on their pros, cons, and distinctive features. (from JavaScript Weekly 369)
2017’s JavaScript Rising Stars
A look at what JS projects were hot or not in 2017 based on their GitHub star counts. (from JavaScript Weekly 369)
Keep webpack Fast: A Guide for Better Build Perf
webpack is a great tool for bundling frontend assets but it’s worth knowing what to do when it starts to get bogged down. (from JavaScript Weekly 369)
webpack: Plugin to Remove Unused Moment.js Locales
Bootstrapping a microservice architecture (screencast)
Screencasts to present an open source bootstrap project to help you with your next microservice architecture using Java. The repository addresses some common challenges that everyone faces when starting with microservices.
Top tips to keep Docker running securely in production (video)
Gianluca Arbezzano gave important tips on setting up a production environment, immutability, and security concepts for dockers in his session at the DevOpsCon 2017.
Idiomatic Kotlin. Best Practices.
“In order to take full advantage of Kotlin, we have to revisit some best practices we got used to in Java. Many of them can be replaced with better alternatives that are provided by Kotlin.”
Make your life easier with Kotlin stdlib
“Kotlin is not about big killer features but about a bunch of small improvements that have deep impact. Most of them are not built-in into the language, but are functions offered as part of the Kotlin standard library.” The post goes through a limited set of them, and describes how they can be used to improve the code.
Something different
The best science fiction, fantasy, and horror novels of 2017
The Verge lists great books of 2017 in science fiction, fantasy, and horror category which shined a light in the darkness. You newer know if a book is interesting by reading it’s description but these took my eye: Meg Howrey’s The Wanderers, Kameron Hurley’s The Stars are Legion, N.K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth trilogy, Zachary Mason’s Void Star, Joe M. McDermott’s The Fortress at the End of Time, Ian McDonald Luna: New Moon and Linda Nagata’s The Last Good Man.
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