Monthly notes 46

December is full Christmas carrols and hassle before holidays. So, take a short break and learn to master Kubernetes, become better human and developer and make remote (working) a success. Also think about privacy. Good reading and happy holidays!

Issue 46, 17.12.2019


Mastering the KUBECONFIG file
Good tips like Auto-$KUBECONFIG based on directory with direnv; Know which context you’re pointing at with kube-ps1; Save GKE contexts to separate files. (from @walokra)

Tutorial: Debug Your Kubernetes Apps (youtube)
Debug your Kubernetes apps tutorial from KubeCon. Slides:, code: Covers cluster design, networking, kubectl, pods, lb & ingress, monitoring, resource reservation and stateful sets. (from @ArunGupta)


20 ways to become a better Node.js developer in 2020
“20 skills, technologies and considerations on choosing between them. Picking the right tools became one of our greatest challenges — the Node.js ecosystem has matured and present attractive options in almost every field. Vanilla or TypeScript? Ava, Mocha or Jest? Express, Fastify or Koa? or maybe Nest?”


Things You Should Read To Become A Better Human & Developer
“As developers, we are creators of systems and worlds. However, to be effective at our jobs, we need to understand these systems and worlds we’re creating. When we read, we expand the borders that define our domain of knowledge.”

Don’t Learn to Code — Learn to Automate
“avoid thinking of writing code as the goal and learn to solve problems.”

A Guide to Distributed Teams
How thoughtful systems (and lots of emoji) make for happy, efficient teams—whether your desks are distributed across floors, cities, or continents. Hacker News comments

How to Make Remote a Success
“It’s all about sharing and communicating”. E.g. Write down everything: knowledge base to blog posts, make weekly notes; Make everyone feel connected: smarter meetings, daily check-ins/check-outs. Hacker News comments


You’re Tracked Everywhere You Go Online. Use This Guide to Fight Back
Advertisers are tracking and monitoring your behavior almost everywhere you go online. Here’s how to (mostly) stop it. (from @TimHerrera)

Privolta Consent Study: Google
Great example how to quantify the degree to which ‘dark patterns’ dominate privacy consent interactions online. (from @ashk4n)


Falco is an automatic, easy-to-use Web Performance auditing tool. Open Source WebPageTest runner which helps you monitor, analyze, and optimize your websites. (from @PHacks)

Command-line tool and terminal JSON viewer. “If you’ve got some files full of JSON that you want to process, Fx will slice and dice it however you want, including using JavaScript one-liners to add a bit of logic to the process.” (from DB Weekly #284)





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