Monthly notes 54

Working from home continues as COVID-19 still surges and if you yet haven’t checked your video call capabilities, read the How to make video calls almost as good as face-to-face article. The remote working isn’t going away as this year has shown that pendeling to offices every day isn’t really needed.

Issue 54, 6.11.2020
“Nobody gets hacked”

Working from home

Companies plans for remote work going forward
Twitter thread by Chris Herd of what he learned by speaking to 1,000 companies over the last 6 months about their plans for remote work going forward. Office space going down; flexi-work; people working too hard; burnouts; asynchronous communication is difficult; invest to ergonomic working equipment; workers will be happier as a result of remote work; need tools to track output; documentation is the unspoken superpower of remote teams; coaching and facilitators are needed;

How to make video calls almost as good as face-to-face
How much nicer video calls would feel if the problems with low-quality microphones and webcams, lag and such would be solved? The post summarizes what can be done by fiddling with gear and software. TL;DR; Get away from other people; Throw your wireless headset in the trash; Don’t mute; Get a better microphone; Listen to yourself; Improve your lighting; Use your real background; Don’t bother with webcams;

Docker and Kubernetes security

Dockerfile Security Best Practices
List of common security issues and how to avoid them. For every issue there’s an Open Policy Agent (OPA) rule ready to be used to statically analyze your Dockerfiles with conftest. TL;DR; Do not store secrets in environment variables; Only use trusted base images; Do not use ‘latest’ tag for base image; Avoid curl bashing; Do not upgrade your system packages; Do not use ADD if possible; Do not root; Do not sudo;

Docker Threat Model

The Current State of Kubernetes Threat Modelling
“If you are planning on using Kubernetes in production, one of the key things to consider from a security perspective is your threat model.”

Arsenal of Cloud Native (Security) Tools
Marco Lancini’s curated list of tools he finds useful, alongside a quick “usage” guide for each one of them. i.a.: Docker Bench, kube-bench, kube-hunter, AWS Security Benchmark,

Something different

2020 UCI Cycling eSports World Champs heads to Zwift’s Watopia in December
“2020 UCI Cycling eSports World Championships are set to take place on virtual ride platform Zwift in their online Watopia environment. Garmin-Tacx will supply all of the connected trainer for with elite men and women to race each other virtually”





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