Monthly Notes 55

It’s a new year and let’s start it with Monthly notes. Something new and something old from the short tech notes. Let this year be good!

Issue 55, 5.1.2021

Tools of the trade

Awesome CI
List of Continuous Integration services. There’s a bunch of them to choose, my favorites are: GitHub Actions, Circle CI, Google Cloud Build, Drone CI.

Alternatives to JIRA which is moving to cloud only:

Ignore node_modules in BackBlaze

“PostgREST serves a fully RESTful API from any existing PostgreSQL database. It provides a cleaner, more standards-compliant, faster API than you are likely to write from scratch.” (from hackernewsletter)

“Screenity is a feature-packed screen and camera recorder for Chrome. Annotate your screen to give feedback, emphasize your clicks, edit your recording, and much more.” (from Weekend Reading)

“Foam is a personal knowledge management and sharing system inspired by Roam Research, built on Visual Studio Code and GitHub.”

Web Development

Integrate the Web Share API into our websites
“Use the Web Share API instead of these ugly lists of social icons. We should take care that our products support the native frameworks to make the web a better place.” (from WDRL 285)

Sass vars, CSS vars, and semantic theme vars
“How we should define semantic variable names in the age of light and dark themes.” (from WDRL 285)

Apple now lets us integrate Face ID and Touch ID on the web
“Building it on top of the Web Authentication API. Imagine how this can improve the logging in experience for a good part of your user base.”

Work life

A Day in the Life of an Engineering Manager
“Engineering Manager is one of the roles that most people don’t know exactly what it’s about and what these people do. Karl Hughes explains what he does all day and it turns out it’s a role full of soft skills like networking, explaining things or translating between two people, between company departments and to raise awareness around delivery, around process management and recruiting as well as people’s happiness in their jobs.” (from WDRL 285)


Collection of tips for note taking by Dr. Sam Ladner
“This is a great collection of tips for note taking. For user research, design reviews, board meetings, whatever”. (from Weekend Reading)

How to Make Your Code Reviewer Fall in Love with You
“Value your reviewer’s time”. tl;dr; Start with these and read the article for more:

  • Review your own code first
  • Write a clear changelist description
  • Automate the easy stuff
  • Answer questions with the code itself
  • Narrowly scope changes
  • Separate functional and non-functional changes
  • Break up large changelists


Monitoring & securing AWS with Microsoft
“Interesting approach, how to setup (advanced) monitoring of AWS with Azure Security Center (CSPM), Azure Defender (CWPP), Cloud App Security (CASB), and Azure Sentinel (SIEM).” (from Cloud Security Reading List)


How I read books: setting up a new system
“Knowledge is much more valuable when we can act on it, and change our behavior.”
tl;dr; Active learning / reading; Processing and reflecting; Repeating; Presenting; Taking action. (from HackerNewsletter)

Things you’re allowed to do
“This is a list of things you’re allowed to do that you thought you couldn’t, or didn’t even know you could.”





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