Issue 57, 22.12.2022
Recap of AWS re:Invent 2022: An Honest Review
“Properly assess whether all those announcements should mean anything to you; here’s the ultimate AWS re:Invent 2022 recap you were looking for.” (from CloudSecList)
Web development
State of Frontend in 2022
“React is king, Svelte is gaining popularity, Typescript continues to make web development less frustrating, micro frontend is gaining momentum and static-site solutions are on the rise.” (from Web Design Weekly)
2022 Design Tools survey results
“From the 11 categories, we highlight UI Design, with the most popular UI design tools, their growth and some newcomers in the space.” (from Web Design Weekly #441)
UI & UX Micro-Tips: Best of 2022
“Marc Andrew compiled 12 of is most popular UI & UX micro-tips from 2022 so far.” (Web Design Weekly Issue #428)
Setting up a screen reader testing environment on your computer
“When you’re designing and developing for accessibility, performing manual testing using a screen reader is important to catch and fix accessibility issues that cannot be caught by automated accessibility testing tools.” (from WDRL 307)
CommonJS (cjs) and Modules (esm): Import compatibility
“ESM vs cjs: you can import CommonJS (cjs) into ESM modules, and vice versa (esm into cjs). But one way is easier than the other. While optimizing a frontend codebase, we discovered some challenges with cjs and ES module incompatibility.” (from RisingStack News)
Deterministic, Reproducible, Unsurprising Releases in the Serverless Era
“A good talk and full transcript of a talk on deterministic software releases, with a focus on serverless environments and Java applications and tooling.”
(from DevOps Weekly #622)
Container Tools, Tips, and Tricks – Issue #2
“cdebug looks like a handy tool for debugging running containers. Support for several container runtimes, and tools for running a shell, exporting filesystems and forwarding ports to localhost.”
SLSA dip — At the Source of the problem!
“A deep dive into supply chain security challenges with source code management systems, articulating many of the attack surface risks and what you can do to protect against them.” (from Devops Weekly #623)
A Roadmap to Zero Trust Architecture
“This roadmap was built by security experts to provide a vendor agnostic Zero Trust architecture and example implementation timeline.” (from CloudSecList)
Getting started with OpenTelemetry for Python
“A four part series on getting started with open telemetry with Python. Covers manual usage, auto-instrumentation and metrics collection.” (from DevOps Weekly #622)
How to build a configurable iOS widget
“Widgets just became much more important with the always-on screen of the new iPhone 14 Pro models. What an excellent time for Natascha Fadeeva to follow up on her first WidgetKit article by tackling user customisation. It’s also worth reading Shaun Donnelly’s post on efficiently keeping widgets updated.” (from iOS dev weekly)
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