Category: Monthly notes

  • Monthly notes 48

    This time monthly notes is for learning Node.js best practices and some interesting approaches for (Node.js) software architecture. Happy reading and be a better developer! Issue 48, 25.2.2020 Learning Docker and Node.js Best Practices talk at DockerCon 2019Slides and Examples . tl;dr; Use even numbered LTS releases; Don’t use :latest tag; Use Debian:slim/stretch or Alpine;…

  • Monthly notes 47

    Monthly notes 47

    Issue 47: 30.1.2020 War Stories #Y2038 problem. “It’s *already here*. Fix your stuff.”In many systems time is represented as number of seconds passed since 00:00:00 UTC on 1 Jan 1970 and stored as signed 32-bit integer. Such implementations can’t encode times after 03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038. (from @walokra) Ops Lessons We All Learn…

  • Monthly notes 46

    December is full Christmas carrols and hassle before holidays. So, take a short break and learn to master Kubernetes, become better human and developer and make remote (working) a success. Also think about privacy. Good reading and happy holidays! Issue 46, 17.12.2019 Cloud Mastering the KUBECONFIG fileGood tips like Auto-$KUBECONFIG based on directory with direnv;…

  • Monthly notes 45

    Snow is covering the ground and hibernation period starts? Or more time inside reading and learning new things? Here’s monthly notes for Octorber. Issue 45, 30.10.2019 Software Development What qualities make up a 1x engineer?I can relate to this. My favourite Git commitGood example how git commit messages should be done especially if the change…

  • Monthly notes 44

    Monthly notes 44

    Summer holidays are over and it’s time to get back to work and monthly notes. I spent almost whole August enjoying nature, mountain biking, hiking and coaching young mountainbikers. Less computers, more relaxing. This month’s notes are about writing great Docker images, validate code using git hooks, log management, story about npm registry, working remotely…

  • Monthly notes 43

    Monthly notes 43

    Issue 43, 25.7.2019 Microservices How to write great container imagesArticle shows the principles of what writes consider “Dockerfile best practices”, and simultaneously walks through them with a real example. I would add that use small base image like Alpine Linux if possible. Micro FrontendsThe article describes breaking up frontend monoliths into many smaller, more manageable pieces,…

  • Monthly notes 42

    Monthly notes 42

    Midsummer is couple of days away and it’s time to take a short break from work and enjoy the Summer nights and nature. And if you have time here is a short list of articles to read and videos from React Finland 2019 conference to watch. Issue 42, 20.6.2019 Software Development Consulting or con-$ultingA theory…

  • Monthly Notes 41

    Issue 41, 31.5.2019 Software development GitmojiIf not considering the issue on Bamboo with this (thread), Using Emojis in Git commit messages is a nice idea. There’s even cool emoji guide for your commit messages. Going to take this into use 😊 (from walokra) Happy Friday, Don’t push to production?… Jatka lukemista →

  • Monthly notes 40

    Refactoring, computer science concepts on day job, doing better code reviews, battling CSS and watching cat videos. That’s Monthly notes for April. Not much so enjoy slowly :) Issue 40, 4.2019 Learning Refactoring.GuruRefactoring.Guru makes it easy for you to discover everything you need to know about refactoring, design patterns, SOLID principles and other smart programming…

  • Monthly notes 39

    Spring is just around the corner with sun warming our souls and calling us to go outside. Here’s monthly notes for March with topics from software development rewrite stories to code quality and OWASP videos. Issue 39, 22.03.2019 Software development Lessons from 6 software rewrite storiesInsightful rewrite stories of i.a.… Jatka lukemista →