Tag: Eclipse

  • Essential IntelliJ IDEA keyboard shortcuts

    Essential IntelliJ IDEA keyboard shortcuts

    Recently I switched from using Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA as our Java EE application’s front-end was done with JavaScript and the support for front-end technologies in Eclipse is more or less non-existent. The switch for long time Eclipse user wasn’t easy as IDEA works a bit differently but the change was worth it.… Jatka lukemista…

  • Using the WebLogic 12c Maven Plug-In for Deployment

    Using the WebLogic 12c 12.1.2 Maven plug-In for deployment is much easier and quicker than going through the WebLogic Server’s AdminServer and Oracle Documentation provides good examples how to do it. The weblogic-maven-plugin provides enhanced functionality to install, start and stop servers, create domains, execute WLST scripts, and compile and deploy applications.… Jatka lukemista →

  • Exclude JQuery libraries from Eclipse’s JavaScript Validation

    Eclipse likes to validate JavaScript when doing Dynamic Web Modules and thus may give you false positive validation errors on 3rd party JavaScript libraries like JQuery. Although you can turn off the validation altogether but better solution is to configure it to exclude files as Alexander shows us at Stackoverflow.… Jatka lukemista →

  • Eclipse and Maven Console

    Eclipse 3.7 Indigo has integrated Maven m2e plugin but is missing some expected functionality which was previously present in Sonatype releases by default. If you want your Maven Console to show something you must also install the optional “m2e – slf4j over logback logging” plugin. When installing the m2e plugin there is an optional feature…

  • Eclipse: Class file name must end with .class exception in search

    Eclipse is nice IDE but it has it’s own problems. This time the Java Search and Open Type -search produced an error saying “Class file name must end with .class”. Very helpfull. Fortunately almost all the answers in the world can be found in the Internet and so with a quick googling the solution to…