Category: Monthly notes
Short notes on tech 7/2022
Short notes on tech, week 7 of 2022 Software development Frontend Predictions for 2022The return of micro-frontends, functional JavaScript & the death of Jamstack as we know it. (from Web Design Weekly) Cloud AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Review“If you are considering going with EKS, understand you are going to need to spend a lot…
Short notes on tech 5/2022
Software development How to tame the devDependencies of your project?tl;dr; Use mrm. trpc“tRPC allows you to easily build & consume fully typesafe APIs, without schemas or code generation.” Cypress vs Selenium vs Playwright vs Puppeteer speed comparisontl;dr; Playwright is faster vs. Cypress. There’s a good thread of Playwright vs.… Jatka lukemista →
Short notes on tech 2/2022
Week 2 of 2022 JavaScript for impatient programmers“This book makes JavaScript less challenging to learn for newcomers, by offering a modern view that is as consistent as possible.” Software architecture patternsTake a deep dive into several common software architecture patterns. Checklist DesignA collection of the best design practices.… Jatka lukemista →
Short notes on tech 50/2021
Week 50 of 2021 Developer Tools secrets that shouldn’t be secretsWrite-up of a talk at CityJS covering i.a. console.log and VS Code. (from Web Design Weekly) 2021 Design Tools SurveyOverview of the most used design tools during 2021 Meet The Man Who Shoots At Birds All Day To Keep Them Off A Toxic Pit“If migrating…
Short notes on tech 45/2021
Week 45 of 2021 Software Development Software Architecture Patterns: 5 minute readSome of the most important parts of the Software Architecture Patterns by Mark Richards. (from Hackernewsletter) React Aria: A headless UI component libraryA library of React Hooks that provides accessible UI primitives for your design system.… Jatka lukemista →
Short notes on tech 42/2021
Week 42 of 2021 Software development How to win at CORSInteractive learning of CORS with The CORS Playground. Cloud No, we don’t use KubernetesAbly runs a large scale production infrastructure with Docker but uses “just” AWS EC2 instances and writes about should they use Kubernetes as their primary deployment platform at some point.… Jatka lukemista →
Short notes on tech 37/2021
Week 37 of 2021 Software development Give me /events, not webhooks“This post clearly explains the benefits of using an /events endpoint + long polling. Simpler and more reliable than webhooks. On the web we don’t have much of a choice, most platforms support webhooks and few support event streams. For internal applications don’t go with…
Short notes on tech 28/2021
Week 28 of 2021 CSS CSS system colors“Jim Nielsen reveals the system colors we can use in CSS and how useful this can be for light and dark mode themes.” (from WDRL) Cloud The Gamer Guide to Playing Amazon Web Services (AWS)“This is such a nice article, sharing a getting started guide for AWS, in…
Short notes on tech 26/2021
Week 26 of 2021 Team An incomplete list of skills senior engineers need, beyond coding How to run a meeting, and no, being the person who talks the most in the meeting is not the same thing as running itHow to write a design doc, take feedback, and drive it to resolution, in a reasonable…
Short notes on tech 23/2021
Week 23 of 2021 Infosec CitySec Mayhem presentations playlist“Five Ways To Fail At Crime, Spotting the Storm: Attack Detection in the Cloud, Hunted: From Wanted Blackhat to Celebrated Whitehat, Plug – Silver Sparrow And The Tale Of The Mysterious Insu File, Forensics Crash Course, Find & kill your WordPress intruder with bare hands (and logs)”…