Tag: development

  • Extracting JSON value from command line with jq and Python

    Developing modern web applications you often come to around checking REST API responses and parsing JSON values. You can do it with a combination of Unix tools like sed, cut and awk but if you’re allowed to install extra tools or use Python then things get easier. This post shows you couple of options for…

  • Git pre-commit and pre-receive hooks: validating YAML

    Software development has many steps which you can automate and one useful thing to automate is to add Git commit hooks to validate your commits to version control. Firing off custom client-side and server-side scripts when certain important actions occur. Validating commited files’ contents is important for syntax validity and even more when providing Spring…

  • Docker containers and using Alpine Linux for minimal base images

    Docker containers and using Alpine Linux for minimal base images

    After using Docker for a while, you quickly realize that you spend a lot of time downloading or distributing images. This is not necessarily a bad thing for some but for others that scale their infrastructure are required to store a copy of every image that’s running on each Docker host.… Jatka lukemista →

  • Notes from Tampere goes Agile 2015

    Notes from Tampere goes Agile 2015

    What could be a better way to spend a beautiful Autumn Saturday than visiting Tampere goes Agile and being inspired beyong agile. Well, I can think couple of activities which beat waking up 5:30 to catch a train to Tampere but attending a conference and listening to thought provoking presentations is always refreshing.… Jatka lukemista…

  • Newsletters for software developers

    Software development is one of the professions where you just have to keep your knowledge up to date and follow what happens in the field. But as normal information overload is easily achieved so it’s beneficial to use for example curated newsletters for the subjects which intersects the stack you’re using and topics you’re interested…

  • Build secure Web applications by reading Iron-Clad Java

    Build secure Web applications by reading Iron-Clad Java

    Building secure Web applications isn’t easy and contains many aspects that the development team has to consider and take into account. “Iron-Clad Java: Building Secure Web Applications” book is good starting point to learn concepts, tactics, patterns and anti-patterns to develop, deploy and maintain secure Java applications. With 304 pages the book is more about…

  • Book: Real World Java EE Night Hacks

    Book: Real World Java EE Night Hacks

    Reading software development related books can be said to be unnecessary as all the information can be also found from the Internet but sometimes it’s easier to read all the related topics from one place. Adam Bien’s “Real World Java EE Night Hacks: Dissecting the Business Tier” is a book which walks through best practices…

  • Setting up Bower and Gulp in Windows

    Setting up Bower and Gulp in Windows

    Doing things manually is fine once but if you can automate things it’s better. With little tools you can speed up development and reduce recursive mundane tasks such as starting a project or setting up boilerplate code. I recently came across Bower which is a package manager for the web. With Bower you can fetch…

  • Essential IntelliJ IDEA keyboard shortcuts

    Essential IntelliJ IDEA keyboard shortcuts

    Recently I switched from using Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA as our Java EE application’s front-end was done with JavaScript and the support for front-end technologies in Eclipse is more or less non-existent. The switch for long time Eclipse user wasn’t easy as IDEA works a bit differently but the change was worth it.… Jatka lukemista…

  • Distribute project’s artifacts in Maven Central with OSSRH

    Distribute project’s artifacts in Maven Central with OSSRH

    You have developed some crafty Java library or Maven plugin and now you want to distribute it to other users through Maven Central repository? Using Sonatype Open Source Software Repository Hosting Service is a nice way for open source projects to achieve that and there’s two options to get your artifacts in it: 1.… Jatka…