• Ignoring files and folders in Subversion with propset

    Before committing code to the Subversion repository we always set the svn:ignore property on the directory to prevent some files and directories to be checked in. You would usually want to exclude the IDE project files and the target/ directory. It’s useful to put all the ignored files and directories into a file: .svnignore… Jatka…

  • Monthly notes 42

    Monthly notes 42

    Midsummer is couple of days away and it’s time to take a short break from work and enjoy the Summer nights and nature. And if you have time here is a short list of articles to read and videos from React Finland 2019 conference to watch. Issue 42, 20.6.2019 Software Development Consulting or con-$ultingA theory…

  • Monthly Notes 41

    Issue 41, 31.5.2019 Software development GitmojiIf not considering the issue on Bamboo with this (thread), Using Emojis in Git commit messages is a nice idea. There’s even cool emoji guide for your commit messages. Going to take this into use 😊 (from walokra) Happy Friday, Don’t push to production?… Jatka lukemista →

  • Best Practices for Version Control in 8 steps

    Best Practices for Version Control in 8 steps

    Using version control is an essential part of modern software development and using it efficiently should be part of every developer’s tool kit. Knowing the basic rules makes it even more useful. Here are some best practices that help you on your way. tl; dr; Commit logical changesets (atomic commits)Commit Early, Commit OftenWrite Reasonable Commit…

  • Restore single table from full MySQL database dump

    Restore single table from full MySQL database dump

    Playing with data in databases is sometimes tricky but when you get down to it it’s just couple of lines on the command line. Sometime ago we switched from Piwik PRO to Matomo and of course we wanted to migrate logs. We couldn’t just use the full MySQL / MariaDB database dump and go with…

  • Monthly notes 40

    Refactoring, computer science concepts on day job, doing better code reviews, battling CSS and watching cat videos. That’s Monthly notes for April. Not much so enjoy slowly :) Issue 40, 4.2019 Learning Refactoring.GuruRefactoring.Guru makes it easy for you to discover everything you need to know about refactoring, design patterns, SOLID principles and other smart programming…

  • Code quality metrics for Kotlin project on SonarQube

    Code quality metrics for Kotlin project on SonarQube

    Code quality in software development projects is important and a good metric to follow. Code coverage, technical debt, vulnerabilities in dependencies and conforming to code style rules are couple of things you should follow. There are some de facto tools you can use to visualize things and one of them is SonarQube.… Jatka lukemista →

  • Monthly notes 39

    Spring is just around the corner with sun warming our souls and calling us to go outside. Here’s monthly notes for March with topics from software development rewrite stories to code quality and OWASP videos. Issue 39, 22.03.2019 Software development Lessons from 6 software rewrite storiesInsightful rewrite stories of i.a.… Jatka lukemista →

  • Best Practices of forking git repository and continuing development

    Best Practices of forking git repository and continuing development

    Sometimes there’s a need to fork a git repository and continue development with your own additions. It’s recommended to make pull request to upstream so that everyone could benefit of your changes but in some situations it’s not possible or feasible. When continuing development in forked repo there’s some questions which come to mind when…

  • Monthly Notes 38

    Monthly Notes 38

    Warm weather and cold Northern winds just call for a warm mug of cacao and something to read by the fireplace. Here’s monthly notes for February with topics from testing to software development project guidelines and from microservices to tips and tools. Also learning React App. Issue 38, 19.02.2019 Testing How to stop hating your…