• Monthly notes 30

    Summer is approaching and even in Finland the weather is sunny and warm. I’ve been busy as the Enduro-MTB racing season has started and most weekends are spent at the race track. But here’s monthly notes for May with topics of state of the Web, how geolocation in browsers work, and something about tools.… Jatka…

  • Two days of React Finland 2018: Day two with React and React Native

    Two days of React Finland 2018: Day two with React and React Native

    React Finland 2018 conference was held last week and I had the opportunity to attend it and listen what’s hot in the React world. The conference started with workshops and after that there was two days of talks of React, React Native, React VR and all things that go with developing web applications with them.……

  • Two days of React Finland 2018: Day one topics of React

    Two days of React Finland 2018: Day one topics of React

    React Finland 2018 conference was held last week and I had the opportunity to attend it and listen what’s hot in the React world. The conference started with workshops and after that there was two days of talks of React, React Native, React VR and all things that go with developing web applications with them.……

  • Monthly notes 29

    This month’s notes are about front-end technologies: Sneak peek beyound React 16 and videos from Vue and Angular conferences. Also CSS Blocks + OptiCSS is great and for us in EU it’s nice that Fargate is finally available in Ireland. Check also list of important podcasts for software engineers. Issue 29, 29.4.2018 Security Computer security…

  • Build Monitor with Raspberry Pi and Touch Screen

    Build Monitor with Raspberry Pi and Touch Screen

    Information is a great tool in software development and it’s useful to have easy access to it. The more obvious you make your problems, the harder you make them to ignore. The more attention they get, the quicker they get solved. One thing developers like to monitor in software development is continuous integration status and…

  • Monthly notes 28

    Monthly notes 28

    Winter refuses to make way for the Spring and March in Southern Finland has been quite cold despite warm and rainy week which melted away some of the already scarce snow. So, skiing mainly on artificial snow and mountainbiking on icy paths which is nice. But this also leaves time to read what has happened…

  • Monthly notes 27

    For cold winter evenings here’s something to read. Monthly notes for February are about relearning and thinking. Issue 27: 23.2.2018 Relearning Computer Science and why it’s necessary even for web developers “Computer Science and why it’s necessary even for web developers I know that in some countries a degree in CS is expensive or unattainable,…

  • Extracting JSON value from command line with jq and Python

    Developing modern web applications you often come to around checking REST API responses and parsing JSON values. You can do it with a combination of Unix tools like sed, cut and awk but if you’re allowed to install extra tools or use Python then things get easier. This post shows you couple of options for…

  • Monthly notes 26

    Monthly notes 26

    January finally brought snow also to Southern Finland and darkness is retreating slowly when the day becomes longer. This time monthly notes tells you about different JavaScript frameworks, making webpack perform better and looks into bootstrapping microservices and running docker securely. On programming side there are articles for best practices with Kotlin and about Kotlin…

  • 2017 Retrospective

    2017 Retrospective

    It’s January 2018 and while I’m gathering my notes for the year’s first post its’ good to look back what I wrote in 2017 and make plans for the new year. In 2017 I managed to write as leisurely as usual and put together 17 articles of which 6 are something other than monthly notes.……