• Weekly notes 3

    It has been rainy week here in Finland with pre-christmas parties (again) and also our 98th independence day. Yay! This weeks articles are about JavaScript, Microservices, User experience and tutorial for ToDo app with React.js. Issue #3, 2015-12-09 Technical Advancing JavaScript without breaking the Web Christian Heilmann presented earlier this year at the MunichJS meetup…

  • Weekly notes 2

    Weekly notes are here again and I have to say that the week has passed swiftly. With all the pre-christmas parties and switching jobs, I also managed to read some articles. Here are my chosen articles for this week. Issue #2 // Week 49, 2015 Technical Exploring the Wall Street Journal’s Pulitzer-Winning Medicare Investigation with…

  • Weekly notes 1

    For some time I’ve been reading several newsletters to keep note what happens in the field of software development and the intention was also to share the interesting parts here. And now it’s time to move from intent to action. In the new “Weekly notes” series I share what interesting articles I have read with…

  • ApiOPS and Test Automation at DevOps Finland Meetup

    Couple of weeks ago at Tampere goes Agile the question was what’s beyond agile and partial answer was DevOps. I’ve read about DevOps before and tried to introduce it to use in my daily job but new things move slowly. So, it was good time to hear more about DevOps and how others are using…

  • Patching RichFaces 3.3.3 AJAX.js for IE11

    Couple of years ago I wrote about patching RichFaces 3.3.3 AJAX.js for IE9 and as the browser world has moved on, it’s now time to patch RichFaces 3.3.3 AJAX.js for Internet Explorer 11. Of course you could update your web application to JSF 2 and RichFaces 4 or PrimeFaces but it’s neither trivial nor free.……

  • Notes from Tampere goes Agile 2015

    Notes from Tampere goes Agile 2015

    What could be a better way to spend a beautiful Autumn Saturday than visiting Tampere goes Agile and being inspired beyong agile. Well, I can think couple of activities which beat waking up 5:30 to catch a train to Tampere but attending a conference and listening to thought provoking presentations is always refreshing.… Jatka lukemista…

  • Newsletters for software developers

    Software development is one of the professions where you just have to keep your knowledge up to date and follow what happens in the field. But as normal information overload is easily achieved so it’s beneficial to use for example curated newsletters for the subjects which intersects the stack you’re using and topics you’re interested…

  • Using Bacon2D with Sailfish OS

    Sailfish OS development for Jolla is quite versatile and you can use QML plugins to enhance your application. But if you’ve used a QML module which isn’t approved in Harbour and want to distribute your application via Jolla Store, you’ve to do some extra steps with it. Lately I ported Ubuntu Phone’s Falldown game for…

  • Build secure Web applications by reading Iron-Clad Java

    Build secure Web applications by reading Iron-Clad Java

    Building secure Web applications isn’t easy and contains many aspects that the development team has to consider and take into account. “Iron-Clad Java: Building Secure Web Applications” book is good starting point to learn concepts, tactics, patterns and anti-patterns to develop, deploy and maintain secure Java applications. With 304 pages the book is more about…

  • Creating Vagrant Base Box with Veewee

    Creating Vagrant Base Box with Veewee

    Vagrant is a great tool for creating and configuring lightweight, reproducible, portable virtual machine environments but the first step for using Vagrant, downloading an existing “base box”, raises some questions. E.g. How are these unverified boxes built? So, you might end up building your own base box which is often time consuming and cumbersome.… Jatka…