Setting up LAMP stack on OS X
Setting up LAMP stack for web development on OS X can be done with 3rd party software like MAMP but as Mac OS X comes with pre-installed Apache and PHP it’s easy to use the native setup. You just need to configure Apache, PHP and install MySQL. Setup Apache2 Set up the Server Name to…
Monitoring Java EE application with JavaMelody
Software development is much more than just coding application by requirements and deploying it to production as the real work really starts after it has been shipped: maintenance, improvements and problem solving. And for that it’s good to have some data. It’s said “if you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it” and in ideal…
Weblogic Server Auto Restart with Node Manager as Linux service
Sometimes servers need to reboot and then it’s nice to have certain services to start automatically. Oracle Weblogic’s Node Manager is one of them and in order to have Node Manager start automatically it must be configured as a daemon. Unfortunately Oracle doesn’t provide init scripts to run it as a Linux service but it’s…
Web application test automation with Robot Framework
Software quality has always been important but seems that lately it has become more generally acknowledged fact that quality assurance and testing aren’t things to be left behind. With Java EE Web applications you have different ways to achieve test coverage and test that your application works with tools like JUnit, Mockito and DBUnit.… Jatka…
Patching RichFaces 3.3.3 AJAX.js for IE9
There are always some problems when working with 3rd party frameworks when the world moves forward but the framework you’re using doesn’t. After JSF 2 was released the RichFaces development moved to 4.x version and they dropped support for the older versions although many users are still using the older versions as it’s not trivial…
Using the WebLogic Maven Plug-In for Deployment
Using the WebLogic Maven plug-In for deployment is much easier and quicker than going through the WebLogic Server’s AdminServer and Oracle Documentation provides good examples how to do it. In short, generating WebLogic Maven Plug-In contains following steps: 1. Build the plug-in JAR file using the WebLogic JarBuilder Tool (wljarbuilder) under MW_HOME/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/ with the following…
Looking back, planning ahead
Again a year has passed and it’s time to take a short look back and plan for the next year. A year ago I wrote that in the year 2012 the blog would be more active and I partly managed to keep up that promise with 9 articles. Not quite at least an article per…
Insights to future workplace from Fujitsu Forum 2012
This year my Autumn holiday was a bit different as I was one of the four bloggers who were invited by Fujitsu’s LIFEBOOK4Life campaign to visit Fujitsu Forum 2012 in Munich to hear about how the future workplace might look like and to experience new technologies to support that. We also got a tour at…
Fujitsu Forum 2012 has insights for the future of IT
Germany is known for it’s technology expos like CeBIT but for more detailed and in depth view about the state of information technology you might want to go to Fujitsu Forum like I did a year ago invited by LIFEBOOK4Life. This year it’s held November 7th and 8th at the ICM in Munich and enables…
LIFEBOOK4Life Ultra Test Flight adventure starts
Fujitsu’s LIFEBOOK4Life is here again with “Ultra Test Flight” and new challenges for Insiders. This year it’s about Ultrabooks and the Autumn will be full of interesting tasks to fulfill. In the end if successful the Insiders can keep their Ultrabooks, be it U772 or U572. Last year I took part in Fujitsu’s “LIFEBOOK4Life: Accept…